After a five-year absence, Takehiko Inoue's historical fiction Vagabond appears to be returning. The seinen manga, which first appeared in 1998, went on hiatus in 2015, with no news of its return. But Inoue has now hinted that a new chapter might be on the way.

Inoue was inspired by Yeji Yoshikawa’s Musashi, a seminal work in Japanese classic literature which retells the life story of the legendary swordsman and philosopher Miyamoto Musashi. The mangaka's previous works include another iconic sports manga of the 1990s called Slam Dunk, cementing Inoue’s place in Japanese pop culture.

Will Takehiko Inoue's Vagabond return in 2023?

According to several reports, Takehiko Inoue has confirmed that he plans to continue working on Vagabond, much to the relief of the fandom. The mangaka put the series on hold in 2015 to focus on his other project, the manga series Real, which he began in 1999.

Sadly, we do not have any more details on when the manga might return, but it seems unlikely that it will be this year. The last chapter that was published before the series went on its extended hiatus was chapter 327, titled The Man named Tadaoki.

Vagabond had initially gone on a hiatus that was supposed to last four months but ended up lasting much longer. Inoue himself has remained silent about the return of the manga ever since, which only escalated the fandom’s curiosity and anticipation for its return. Finally, in December 2022, in an interview, Inoue reportedly stated that he will continue to draw Vagabond, and will not let the narrative end abruptly.

The manga is supposed to pick up from chapter 328 and complete the unfinished Hosokawa Arc, which chronicles Musashi's journey to the residence of the Hosokawa Yūsai, who is inspired by another real-life samurai named Hosokawa Fujitaka.

Vagabond's status as a masterpiece in the manga industry is due in part to its impeccable character designs and storytelling, which are backed by an intricate art style that is complementary to the dark and violent ambience of its setting. All of these qualities are the result of tremendous effort, which is why Inoue desired his well-deserved break.

There is no doubt that he wants to do justice to the vision he had in mind when he picked up Musashi’s story as his canvas for creation. An artist can rarely create under pressure and Inoue should be allowed to return to his canvas whenever he feels comfortable to pick up his pen again.

Here is how the official website of the manga's overseas publisher Viz Media describes Vagabond as,

"At seventeen years of age, Miyamoto Musashi--still known by his childhood name, Shinmen Takezō--was a wild young brute just setting out along the way of the sword."

It continues,

"In the aftermath of the epic Battle of Sekigahara, Takezō finds himself a fugitive survivor on the losing side of the war. Takezō's vicious nature has made him an outcast even in his own village, and he is hunted down like an animal. At this crucial crossroads in Takezō's life, an eccentric monk and a childhood friend are the only ones who can help him find his way."

Stay tuned for more updates on Vagabond manga and other trending anime shows such as Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Tokyo Revengers, Blue Lock, and more.

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