Early in the 2010s, the Twilight Saga movie series, which is based on Stephenie Meyer's best-selling books, became a cultural sensation. The five movies, which were released between 2008 and 2012, brought in nearly $3.3 billion globally and attracted a huge following.

Strong female characters, romantic plotlines, and gorgeous scenery were all commended in the movies. Additionally, they aided in the professional debuts of a number of young performers, such as Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner, who have since starred in award-winning projects.

But with more than ten years having passed since the last movie's debut, fans are now speculating as to whether there will ever be another Twilight film.

A new Twilight film could be possible

Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen in Twilight: Breaking Dawn (Image via IMDb)

The vampire series continues to be highly popular. The Twilight films were added to Netflix in 2021 and quickly rose to the top of the list of the service's most-watched content. Additionally, the book series continues to sell well and be talked about among literature fans.

However, perhaps the major reason why another film in the franchise could be a possibility is because author Stephanie Meyer has continued to write novels set in the Twilight world.

In 2020, she published Midnight Sun, a book that retells the events of the book from Edward Cullen's perspective rather than Bella Swan's.

The book immediately elevated to bestseller status, demonstrating not only Meyer's but the fans' continued enthusiasm to delve deeper into the fictional world.

Netflix is also reportedly speaking with Stephanie Meyer regarding the future of movie series, although these reports haven't been verified just yet.

Who might be cast in the new Twilight film?

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner (Image via IMDb)

A major challenge that a new film in the franchise would have to face is bringing back the original cast and crew of the 2010 films.

Since the films, all three protagonists, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner, have parted ways and continued to work on their individual projects.

It has been a trend in Hollywood for older actors to not star in reboots of an old film franchise, and similarly, nothing concrete could be said about the actors' involvement.

Additionally, Robert Pattinson has claimed in numerous interviews throughout the years that he neither likes the movie's premise nor the character he played.

During a conversation with OK magazine, Pattinson called his character a "weirdo", and criticized the age gap between Edward and Bella.

He also called out the movie's premise in an interview with Buzzfeed, saying:

"When you put the bare facts out, he tells her, 'I killed 40 or 50 people and I want to kill you so much. Every single day, every moment I'm with I'm wanting to kill you.' And she's like, 'I don't care. I love you.' And it's like, well there's definitely something wrong with her and there's obviously something wrong with me."

Echoing the same sentiment, Pattinson claimed in an interview with Vanity Fair:

"I can’t really understand it even now. It does have an angle which is attached to something quite primal in girls. I guess people want it to define them, like, ‘I’m a Twilight fan.’ That’s crazy to me. I think people really just like being part of a crowd."

His co-star Kristen Stewart, on the other hand, has refused to answer any questions related to a new film in the series.

All Twilight films are now available for streaming on Netflix.

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