There are several reasons why some GTA Online players can't sell their vehicles.

Unfortunately, few of these reasons are easy to overlook. Hence, some GTA Online players can easily fail to understand why they can't sell their vehicles.

Ultimately, the main reason why a player can't sell a specific vehicle in GTA Online can be divided into two categories:

  • The first category is for expensive vehicles the player stole. Typically, GTA Online players don't sell random vehicles that cost millions of dollars.
  • The second category is for Special Vehicles.

Why you can't sell a vehicle in GTA Online

GTA Online players can't sell the Rocket Voltic in-game (Image via Rockstar Games)

GTA Online players have a few reasons why they can't sell a vehicle in GTA Online. There are 180 vehicles that a player cannot sell under any circumstances in GTA Online. More often than not, these types of vehicles include a gimmick of some kind (but not always).

Can't sell specific vehicles the player doesn't own

GTA Online players need to own the Itali RSX to sell it (Image via Rockstar Games)

There are 382 vehicles that a player can only sell if they purchase them. That means if a GTA Online player steals an Itali RSX, they can't sell it. A general rule of thumb is that if the vehicle costs a lot to purchase, the player stealing it cannot sell it.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, players can sell a Sentinel. If they stole it, they'd get $9,000. But if they own the vehicle, they would get $57,000 (plus 60% of any upgrades).

Some vehicles can never be sold

GTA Online players cannot sell the Luxor Deluxe ever, for example (Image via Rockstar Games)

GTA Online has 180 vehicles that can never be sold. They can be as expensive as the Luxor Deluxe ($10 million) or as cheap as the BMX ($800). Generally, vehicles in this category tend to be special vehicles, but that's not always the case. For example, there is nothing special about the Journey. It only costs $15,000, but players can't get a dollar of that back.

Unfortunately, that means that the GTA Online player can never earn back millions of dollars spent on vehicles in some cases. Keep in mind that some expensive vehicles can be sold. GTA Online players need to do research to determine if the market will accept the type of vehicle they're selling.

GTA Online players cannot sell boats (Image via Rockstar Games)

A general rule is that boats, tanks, service vehicles, and gimmicky vehicles cannot be sold. Even this statement is not absolute. Players can sell some gimmicky vehicles. For instance, the Toreador and Oppressor Mk II can be sold. However, GTA Online players cannot sell the Rocket Voltic and Ruiner 2000.

This article reflects the opinions of the writer.

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