When the lads of One Direction announced their hiatus, the world began anticipating their solo projects. While Harry moved to film/acting first and Liam has been working hard writing and making music, Niall Hiram debuted ‘This Town’ and Louis Tomlinson debuted his collaboration with Steve Aoki’s called ‘Just Hold On’ in 2016.  As far as their music, news concerning the boys has been rather quiet. Until now.

If you were watching The Voice on television this evening, you saw an advertisement for Harry Styles’ solo music. The preview was nearly 30 seconds long and focused on Harry, seemingly emerging from rain, with soft music in the background and a striking shot of his eyes.


Harry also changed his social media, mirroring what he did before his Another Man Magazine feature release. He changed his Twitter profile and layout as well. It seems that a rebirth is coming, and we couldn’t be more excited.

Since the beginning of One Direction, people have pegged Harry as ready to ditch his mates and do solo work but it was always about something else. He didn’t like being a member of One Direction, he didn’t get on with the boys, he always wanted more. He’s also been compared to other artists and while that’s to be expected when you have the spotlight Harry does, he deserves a right to do this on his own.

Everyone has been talking about Harry’s solo music, except Harry. The speculation and the rumors didn’t phase him. Instead, he worked hard to create music he’d be proud of – music that would show who he is as an artist and a person. His silence allowed him the opportunity to create and build all on his own, and we couldn’t be more excited to see what happens for him next.

Lucky for us, the wait won’t be impossibly long. On April 7th, we will hear some of his solo sound and we’ll also be able to pride him as a person, as his own artist, and as the bright and free spirit he is.

Congratulations Harry, you deserve this moment, and all the ones that will inevitably follow.
